

Poderes - Necromagic

  Card 384

Battle Area:

  1. Water = 05
  2. Earth = 05
  3. Heaven = 00

Attack and Defense

  1. Wisdom = 00
  2. Dexterity and Strength = 05
  3. Powers = 35

  4. Fire = 00








Powers - Necromagic

* Magic imagined by and for NUC Cards.

1 card of this power has range power over 1 dead, to have control over more dead is needed more cards of this power.

Beings created by very powerful gods or magicians.

* Necromagia is a knowledge of bringing life, who has already had life.

(the pure authentic creation was forgotten by the gods and completely inaccessible by the magicians)

The Necromagnetic Beings are blindly obedient to their creators and have great destructive power.

* But these beings are sustained by the dense magic of the book of their masters or power of the gods, and can be destroyed like this:

  1. For superiority during battle in battle;
  2. By the breaking of the spell;
  3. By separating between power book and opposing magician,
  4. By mortal injury or death of the opposing god or wizard. (although gods can not be killed).



* Poder e personagem fictício criado por e para NUC Cards.

Farrat was a mere magician who served two generations of kings in his city.

In his old age he deepened in the arts of black magic. And in his old age he recorded many scrolls on possession, fusion, and diffusion.

As an old man, he manipulated matter, slowing his heartbeat to a complete stop, without actually dying. And at that moment he was found by one of his servants, who without knowing what was going on, announced to the regent the death of his master.

Well, he was mummified and buried immediately with great honors.

When Farrat woke up from her experience, it was too late.

It was immobilized inside a sarcophagus.

And so it was done, buried alive and honored ...




NUC Cards ® 2019
Reasoning and strategy.
An advanced game of underground strategy in generation.